Exterior Shutters Near Glassell Park
By allowing customers to customize their window treatments in different aspects like opacity, design, materials, and operation method, Master Blinds ensures their complete satisfaction from the finalized shading system.
Central Los Angeles
Client Name
Jarnesha Sullivan
Shades & Curtains
Master Blinds
Outline of Client Needs
Ms. Sullivan wanted to track down a set of exterior shutters that matched a pair her parents used to have on their family home. She had just a picture and wondered if we could help out.
Master Blinds Solution
Exterior shutters can add real charm to a property, and they’re not all that common - meaning the character they bring to a place can be truly unique.
We were touched by Ms. Sullivan’s plans to recreate her family’s exterior shutters, and were pleased and honored that she had come to us.
Our consultation team worked with Ms. Sullivan to find the perfect match for Ms. Sullivan’s exterior shutters, and then add an elegant, modern spin so that Ms. Sullivan’s exterior shutters brought her memories into the 21st Century.
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Whatever you need, Master Blinds has you covered!
Book a free in-person consultation on rolling shutters and more!
Consult Master Blinds designers to find the perfect combination of materials and design for new window shutters in custom sizes, suitable even for large window walls.
Schedule an appointment online or by phone for an in-person consultation with no obligation.